The Alvo Institute

Helping Educators Build Strong Data Cultures Where Student Achievement Thrives

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Principals & Teachers Have This To Say About The Alvo Institute:

"[The seminar] was eye-opening in that I came away with the strong feeling that it seems that teachers have a responsibility to use data to inform classroom instruction---and also to keep looking for different types of data to capture an increasingly accurate and complete picture of their students."




“The [seminar] was a good reminder of why data is important to instruction and student success.  My school is very bogged down with data and it creates a lot of extra work for teachers because we are expected to individualize instruction for all of our students and when this comes down from the administrators it can just feel like they are cracking the whip.  However, we as teachers need to realize that student data empowers us as teachers and should actually make our jobs easier if we know how to use it.“




“The seminar brought to my attention that there are many things that need to be known about a student that is considered 'data'.  I would always just think of data as numbers and percentages, but it is as much more.” 




“Great to just list and talk through all the different sorts of data that could/should inform my practice.”




“I confess data hasn't interested me much in the past and it was confusing to work with during my student teaching.  This seminar was a quick look at something very important and my interest is piqued.  I now know I need to commit to this.”




“It was valuable to exchange information about how to collect data and where people are in terms of knowing where and how to access this data.”



“This seminar really helped me visualize what I need to include in my lesson plan in terms of assessments.  It is key to pre-assess and post-assess but I shouldn't forget to include formative assessments during the lesson to make sure the students are 'getting' what I am trying to teach.”