Dream and Assess for Innovation

The Dream Phase

Alvo facilitates a unique Nirvana exercise that helps unlock the innovation your team has inside them, but that is too often suppressed by finances, education code, or schedules. You will be surprised how many creative, practical, and scalable solutions come from this Nirvana exercise.


Just as you assess your students before you begin instruction, we help you assess your organizational strengths, assets, resources, and areas that need attention. Many organizations spend thousands, even millions, of dollars on technology, curriculum, and facilities before they evaluate if they are maximizing their exixting and projected supports needed for their instructional and student achievement goals. The small investment in Alvo’s assessment has saved our clients millions in wasted procurements.

Data Culture Survey

Great instruction, blended or not, is built on great data practices. For this reason, we help you evaluate this critical foundation with The Data Culture SurveyTM. The Survey, comprised of Data Use, Data Management, and Data Attitudes and Perceptions, measures the current overall data culture across your schools and central office. The Survey is built on a proprietary research based model and identifies the strengths and weaknesses when creating an effective data culture. It will also reveal any disconnect between stakeholder groups.

Blended Readiness Assessment

Too many programs launch without knowing the strength of their foundational legs. Alvo has developed a school wide, leadership and faculty assessment tool to evaluate your school’s level of readiness to launch a blended program. We evaluate using Alvo’s Blended FoundationsTM which include Data Practice, Instruction and Assessment, and School and Classroom Culture. The results from this assessment help us guide you toward appropriate timelines, degrees of implementation, and supports needed to launch a program that will grow with your school for the long haul.

Staff Interviews and Focus Groups

Great educators know that we cannot learn everything about our students from multiple-choice assessments alone. In addition to our surveys and assessment tools, which reveal critical trends, patterns, and behaviors, Alvo will meet with your stake holders to collect the kind of valuable and actionable information that can only come from face-to-face interaction. With our refined focus group protocol, we need as few as 30 minutes to collect deep and actionable data. The groups also start to set the stage for change management by creating authentic participation and buy-in from all stakeholders.