Alvo’s Practitioners’ Circle: Spring 2016 Courses are Here!


Registration for Alvo’s Spring Courses in the Practitioners’ Circle is Open.

Register Today! Two Course Options Available. 

Choose from our flagship course Design and Plan for School and District Blended Innovation, ideal for district and school leadership teams ready to lead bold innovations, and our newest course, designed specifically for innovative classroom teachers, called Implementing Personalized Learning with Blended Methods in the Classroom.

Click HERE to register for Spring 2016 Courses in The Practitioners’ Circle

Self-Paced. Personalized. Practical. 

Standard Registration is $350 per participant

25% off Large Group Registration (50 and more)

Register today.  Spaces always fill up quickly.

Spring 2016 Courses

Choose between Design and Plan for School and District Blended Innovation and Implementing Personalized Learning with Blended Methods in the Classroom. Scroll down for a description of both courses. 

Design and Planning for School and District Blended Innovation

 “This course from The Alvo Institute is stunning in its depth of translating theory to action and stimulating great conversations among educators to produce breakthrough learning.” 

 – Michael B. Horn, Co-Author of Blended: Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools

Praise from Past Participants

“This entire course is a stellar model for learning from which we can set our course.”

“There is significant expertise demonstrated in the resources and those will be of benefit to my organization. Keep feeding us things that have worked well in at least some settings. We will take from that what we can, make it our own, and implement in each of our unique settings.”

About the Course

This course is an exploration of blended learning with a focus on moving from theory to action as participants learn how to mobilize a team, identify how blended can support clear, measurable goals, and develop detailed plans for a successful, on-time and on-budget blended learning launch. Each of the eight topics takes approximately two hours to move through, depending on the depth at which you work.

In collaboration with innovative peers and experts on blended learning as a path to personalization, participants will…

    • Develop a definition of what blended learning is and can be (and what it is not)
    • Take a needs assessment, mobilize a team, and connect the blended work to the broader school/district goals
    • Explore different blended learning models; work through the process of selecting a model based on your student needs, logistical realities and strategic goals
    • Compile a collection of supports needed to ensure success and a cycle of continuous improvement
    • Create a resource plan to determine the human and financial capital and resources needed to move forward
    • Develop a detailed design and launch plan to ensure an effective blended program launches on time and on budget

Target Audience: School Administrators, Team Leaders, and Teachers

    • Educators who are doing the planning work for a blended pilot or school-wide initiative
    • Planning teams find this course inspires and scaffolds strong collaboration and design work

What to Expect: How the Course Works

The course lives on an online platform from which participants access everything the course includes: a syllabus that’s well stocked with readings, videos, Alvo-created templates and guides, and more. Participants discuss, reflect, and receive feedback from other practitioners and members of The Alvo Institute through the discussion forums, quizzes, optional “work product” assignments (read: usable in real life), and opportunities to join together for live webinars* (see section below on enrollment options).

This course is asynchronous, which means you control the pace, path, time, and content. The course opens on February 15, 2016 at 10 a.m. PST. You have until June 30, 2016 to complete the course. The earlier you register, the more time you have in the course.

We provide a recommended sequence but participants determine how they will consume the content and participate. Love the topic? Have more time? Go deep into the content. You can also ease up during report card time! The more actively you participate, the richer the experience is.

Each Enrollment Includes

    • Full access until June 30, 2016 at 5 p.m. PST to all course materials, including readings, videos, templates and other consumable resources, discussion forums, quizzes, Alvo’s Personalized Blended Learning Instructional Competencies Assessment and Report
    • Dynamic facilitation of the course by The Alvo Institute. Our team of experts in the field of blended learning provides individual feedback on assignments, an active presence in the discussion forums, and constant availability to field questions
    • A copy (hardcover or e-book) of Blended by Michael B. Horn and Heather Staker

Click HERE to register

Implementing Personalized Learning with Blended Methods in the Classroom

Praise from Past Practitioners’ Circle Participants

“This class has been challenging.  It has taken me out of my comfort zone. The sharing of ideas, sites, and strategies has strengthened my professional skills and commitment to the optimal learning opportunities that blended learning can provide.”

 “The interactive content helps to keep us as learners engaged instead of a “sit and get” or just asking a question in the chat room.”

About the Course

This course serves as a virtual collaboration and innovation space for educators who want to transform their teaching and students’ learning using blended learning as a pathway to personalized instruction. What do you need to know to get started blending? What are the first steps to take? Dive into a series of topics first by gaining a strong understanding of the “how” and “why” of each and then by actually trying it out in your classroom. Participants will use cycles of innovation to plan, implement, reflect, and make adjustments, all while receiving support from our team and fellow practitioners. Topics include small group learning, procedures and pacing, use of data, higher order thinking skills, a brief overview of blended learning, and more. Each topic module might take 2-3 hours to complete, including preparation, implementation, and reflection.

Target Audience: Teachers, Classroom Aides, and Instructional Coaches

    • Teachers who seek a guided entry into implementing blended learning techniques in the classroom
    • Educators who are just starting out with personalization and seek practical, tactical information to use right away

What to Expect: How the Course Works

The course is comprised of a series of innovation modules. The course lives on an online platform from which participants access everything the course includes: a syllabus that’s well stocked with readings, videos, Alvo-created templates and guides, and more. Participants discuss, reflect, and receive feedback from other practitioners and members of The Alvo Institute through the discussion forums, quizzes, optional “work product” assignments (read: usable in real life), and opportunities to join live webinars* (see section below on enrollment options).

This course is asynchronous, which means you control the pace, path, time, and content. The course opens on February 22, 2016 at 10 a.m. PST. You have until June 30, 2016 to complete the course. The earlier you register, the more time you have in the course. We provide a recommended sequence but participants determine how they will consume the content and participate. Love the topic? Have more time? Go deep into the content. You can also ease up during report card time! The more actively you participate, the richer the experience is.

Each Enrollment Includes

    • Full access until June 30, 2016 at 5 p.m. PST to all course materials, including readings, videos, templates and other consumable resources, discussion forums, quizzes, Alvo’s Personalized Blended Learning Instructional Competencies Assessment and Report
    • Dynamic facilitation of the course by The Alvo Institute. Our team of experts in the field of blended learning provides individual feedback on assignments, an active presence in the discussion forums, and constant availability to field questions

Click HERE to register

Enrollment and Registration – Use the same registration link for both Spring 2016 courses

Enrollment Options

Regular Enrollment with Certificate Of Participation and Completion
Alvo offers participants the opportunity to earn an Alvo Institute Certificate of Completion.
Standard Registration Fee: $350
25% off Large Group registration (50 and more)

*Live Webinar Add-On Options
Live webinar sessions, all of which are facilitated by the Alvo team, may include discussions of topics and concepts from the course readings, Q&A, opportunities to reflect on your own practice and share with others, learning from experts and practitioners in the field, and more. Individual webinars will also be available for purchase during the session—see a topic you like and sign up! You will be able purchase passes for live webinars after the course opens.

Need CEUs or Graduate Credit?
We are in the final stages getting these courses approved for Continuing Education Units (CEU) and graduate credit. CEU and Graduate Credit placements will be limited and available only on a first come, first served basis. Be sure to indicate your interest on your registration form and we will contact you with details.

Registration Steps

  1. Submit your registration form and payment. Registration is accepted on a rolling basis and can be processed only once we receive your completed registration form and payment. All enrollment and related fees are non-refundable.
  2. Alvo will confirm your enrollment and send information about getting started with the course.
  3. Once the course opens on February 15, jump right in! Participants must complete assignments or other course activities requiring feedback one week prior to the end of the term. Final feedback/grades will be posted for review until the end of the term.
  4. Note: All Courses in our Practitioners’ Circle are for school/district faculty and staff.  In order to keep the conversations grounded in real-word practice, we do not enroll vendors or other 3rd party organizations into the PC courses. Do contact us about partnering with you on how to build your team’s content knowledge. [email protected]

Click HERE to register for the Spring 2016 Practitioners’ Circle Courses 

Regular registration is $350 per participant

25% off Large Group Registration (50 and more)

Register today.  Spaces always fill up quickly.

If you have any difficulties please email .